“En stor park vid en stilla sjö omringad av en kullerstensmur, två unika festlokaler, tre torn i olika stilar, fyra passionerade familjemedlemmar och en fem meter hög Rhododendron.”
“En stor park vid en stilla sjö omringad av en kullerstensmur, två unika festlokaler, tre torn i olika stilar, fyra passionerade familjemedlemmar och en fem meter hög Rhododendron.”
Every year we host these theme-styled LAN-festivals for grown-ups. Each time we play a different classic pc-game which all custom decorations, activities, food and drinks is based on. Meet new friends over an ice-cold cocktail, fight for the esteemed prize with your team in our tournament, try our unique activities, eat amazing food and sleep comfortably before brunch and our challenging retro-quiz in the castle the day after.
This is the ultimate gaming weekend experience for everyone who knows anything about winamp, cracks, floppy disks, low-quality mp3’s, Crazy Ivan, rocket-jumping or Golden Axe.
Foto - Sara Asplund